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Changeover at TRILUX

Hubertus Volmert to take over leadership from Michael Huber

Arnsberg, June 2021 – Change of leadership at the top of TRILUX: Hubertus Volmert will take over as Chairman of the Board of the Arnsberg-based luminaire manufacturer on 1 July 2021, replacing Michael Huber. “It’s good to know that the company’s fortunes will remain in the capable hands of an experienced company and market expert,” stated Michael Huber. The long-standing general representative will also continue to accompany the company in accordance with the shareholders’ resolution. From now on, he will focus on the active, strategic orientation and management of TRILUX as Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

“Our market strength means customer orientation, many years of lighting expertise and a strategic culture of innovation – this is what TRILUX stands for with its entrepreneurial management,” stated Michael Huber regarding the guideline for the personnel realignment. In his 16 years of management within TRILUX, Michael Huber as general representative of the Arnsberg-based (Germany) company’s shareholders has succeeded in realigning the traditional family business and making it fit for the future. “The ever-changing technology pushes have been challenging but have also shown how dynamically a family-owned company can distinguish itself in the high-tech sector,” said Huber. Ideally prepared: his successor Hubertus Volmert (48), who has been part of the TRILUX family since 2006 and has actively promoted the technological transfer process in recent years. As Chairman of the Board, he will lead the three-member board in the future. He is joining Johannes Huxol (59) who is also experienced in the company and the market and has been in charge of the commercial division for two decades as Chief Finance Officer (CFO). Joachim Geiger (53) as the third board member will be responsible for the tasks of Chief Sales & Marketing Officer. The TRILUX board is also supported by Michael Blum (52), Managing Director Sales Germany, and Klaus Röwekamp (57), Managing Director Technology. Michael Huber (71) sees the personnel points for the decade that has just begun manned with technology and market expertise: “All our entrepreneurial power is combined in a proven management team – this creates good prospects for the future!”

[Translate to International (en):] Vorstand TRILUX: Johannes Huxol, Michael Huber, Hubertus Volmert, Joachim Geiger

Image Deatils:
Left to right: the TRILUX executive board with Mr Huber. Johannes Huxol (CFO), Michael Huber (general representative and Chairman of the Supervisory Board), Hubertus Volmert (COO and Chairman of the Board), Joachim Geiger (CSO & CMO). Photo: TRILUX

Isabel Sabisch
PR & Media