Guidelines and instructions

A computer program for NB-documentation of luminaires, LTLI Notat 248. NBDOC, 1987.

Building regulation, Approved Document L2B: conservation of fuel and power in existing buildings other than dwellings, 2010 edition (incorporating 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2016 amendments). CIBSE, 2016.

LG02 Lighting Guide 02: Hospitals & Health Care Buildings - LG2. CIBSE, 2008.

LG04 Lighting Guide 04: Sports Lighting - LG4, Part B: Applications — Lighting for television (addendum). CIBSE, 2006.

LG07/15 Lighting Guide 07: Offices - LG7. CIBSE, 2015.

NBN L 14-002, Methods of predetermination for illuminances, luminances and glare indices in artificial lighting of enclosed spaces. NBN, 1975.

Norme NF C71-121 - Méthode simplifiée de prédétermination des éclairements dans les espaces clos et classification correspondante des luminaires. UTE, 1987.

Technical Memorandum TM 5, „The calculation and use of utilisation factors“. CIBSE, 1980.