Lighting of educational facilities

Learning is a lifelong process. In nursery schools and general-education schools, technical colleges and universities, in vocational education and in evening schools as well as adult education facilities, roughly 50% of the German population are engaged in training and continued education – which amounts to nearly 40 million people.

The number of learners may determine the number and diversity of training facilities – but their equipment in turn influences training effectiveness and sustainability. In school rooms with better equipment, learning is more intense due to increased motivation. Investments in training facilities show a better transformation into sustainable benefits for individuals and the community.

Preschool lessons, learning, studying and teaching are demanding work with high visual requirements. Varying tasks with frequent changes in viewing direction between horizontal work surfaces and vertical demonstration and information surfaces, different work equipment with changing contrast and detail sizes, various viewing directions with free and aligned seating arrangements as well as changing optical communication between teachers and learners determine the visual performance in classrooms.

Good lighting and interior design in the rooms promote concentration, motivation, eagerness to learn as well as attention. Academic success is also related to acceptance of classrooms, which is helped by good and sufficient lighting.