Over 80% of our sense perceptions are of a visual nature. Old people though often suffer from limited perception of their surroundings because of increasingly poor visual acuity that then also hinders communication with other people.

The visual performance – primarily visual acuity – of the human eye decreases with increasing age, and thus the need for light increases. There are various reasons for this: young, healthy eyes can adjust for far sight by up to 20 diopters.

The ciliary muscle that modifies the form of the eye lens and thus its refracting force is in relaxed state in the far field. The eye lens then has a flat form with large curvature radius and infinite focal distance. When the ciliary muscle contracts, the eye is set for

the near field and the bi-convex eye lens, because of its elasticity, has a spherical form with small curvature radius and small focal distance. Due to the hardening of the eye lens, the ciliary muscle can no longer modify the eye lens to the required refracting force.

The capability for accommodation (focal adjustment) is limited (farsightedness, presbyopia). Presbyopia can be corrected via optical means (e.g. with spectacles).

Human Centric Lighting

TRILUX is analysing the effect of light on people according to the term of Human Centric Lighting. The approach goes beyond standard system design and is dedicated to pure lighting and energy efficiency criteria.

The topic is mainly about the effect of light on human well-being and health, and biologically effective light is a part of this. The use of Human Centric Lighting is not only suitable for the medical-therapeutic sector, but also for office and industrial areas. It is however only competent lighting design that enables the optimal utilisation of such intelligent lighting solutions.


Human Centric Lighting