E-Line Pro

Predictive Maintenance

Connectivity will become a key factor for future-capable lighting solutions

New possibilities and business models for producers and users – also in the lighting sector – are being created by the continuous digitalisation and corresponding integration of devices and products into the "Internet of Things" (IoT). New developments are particularly to be expected with services, and in the short term especially in the area of Predictive Maintenance.

Taking action before the need occurs

Lighting failures may cause cost-intensive idle times in production runs. Predictive Maintenance allows operators to take action before action is needed.

Transparency creates efficiency

Predictive Maintenance is especially cost-efficient, because maintenance cycles are according to actual needs instead of at previously defined intervals. The customer can monitor his system remotely, and coordinate and order service work according to needs in that way.

Cost-efficient processes

By having information about what needs to be repaired or what is defective, the service technician always has the necessary spare parts with him.

Data monitoring ensures a good overview

The system provides current system data, e.g. energy consumption, temperature and dimming level. The state of the system is available at any time.


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TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463