E-Line Pro

Lighting Solutions & Services

Full service for your project

The lighting market has changed enormously due to the LED transformation, increasing digitalisation and social mega-trends such as connectivity and big data. On the one hand this provides diverse opportunities and on the other, lighting solutions are becoming increasingly complex and their selection, configuration and operation more complicated.

TRILUX makes this complexity manageable thanks to intelligent solutions that set new standards in terms of energy efficiency and quality of light, and also by offering a wide range of customer-oriented services.

Orientation & safety

In surroundings becoming increasingly complex we clarify together with you which are the right technologies and products, especially with regard to: Efficiency, Quality, Efficiency andService life.

We also provide consultation about networked, intelligent and sensor -controlled solutions:

  • Reducing energy consumption and therefore also operating costs
  • Increasing the sustainability of the complete system.

In this way you gain a customised lighting solution for your project – with dependability and reliability.

Burden relief

On request we assume the complete range of tasks concerning lighting.

  • Technological consultation
  • Customised financing concepts
  • Complete project management for all systems to do with the lighting.

In this way you not only gain a lighting solution from a single source, but also the required flexibility to concentrate on you own business.


TRILUX lighting solutions are extensively planned to provide you as a cost-conscious client with many advantages:

  • Reduction of operating overheads up to 75%
  • Elimination or minimisation of project-related effort and complexity thanks to TRILUX Services
  • Possible balance-neutral implementation without own investments due to high operating cost savings
  • Equity capital is protected via a wide selection of financing models enabling you to maintain your handling flexibility.

Together with you we create individual concepts for your needs.


The lighting solution is a central component of sustainable building management:

  • High influence on appropriate certifications such as Green Building or BREEAM
  • Sustainable reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions via environmentally-caring lighting systems based on cutting-edge LED technology and intelligent control solutions.

TRILUX lighting solutions therefore make a valuable contribution to protecting the environment and are an increasingly important part of any credible CSR strategy.

How can we help you?

Do you need help?

Head office UK

TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463
Fax: +44 1245 462 646
Email: info.co.uk@trilux.com
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