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Elsteraue / Arnsberg, August 2018 Staying up-to-date: not only necessary for companies for whom digitisation is part of their business model, but also necessary with light. In the case of Seitec, a specialist for product development, building automation and infrared/lighting technology, this can be understood in the literal sense. They benefit from running light thanks to swarm sensor technology and an intelligent light management system.
The machines work around the clock in Hall 4 at Seitec in Elsteraue, Saxony-Anhalt. The company’s production lines extend along almost 30 metres within a total area of 1,000 square metres and the electronic components are produced fully automatically, with only one employee to monitor the processes.
Flexibility is what counts Light switches are nowhere to be found. “We've experienced in other halls that people simply press a switch and the hall is fully illuminated. We only wanted to use light though where it's actually needed by employees – and completely automatically,” stated Managing Director Knut Seifert. In the new building sensors that function “predictively” were installed everywhere. The result: “It's always a few meters ahead of you,” informed Seifert. “Thanks to the sensors nobody needs to bother about the lighting anymore.”
A swarm solution ensures safety As part of the capacity expansion a canteen was also added to the new building, and people pass from hall to hall via intermediate, fenestrated units. Running light is also used in these corridor units. The advantages of this solution are also visible here, explains Knut Seifert: “The sensors detect whether and in which direction someone is moving. The light is then predictively increased to 100 percent in the person's vicinity, meaning the employee never walks towards the dark.”
A strong partner for everything to do with light
Safe orientation and guidance were also essential in the company’s outdoor areas. Lumega LED luminaires were installed along the approach road. A further factor where Seitec benefits from the broad TRILUX product portfolio is that the holistic lighting approach which encompasses interior and exterior lighting has resulted in highly uniform light, as if from a single cast, all around the building.
The new concept is well received on all sides. “On the one hand our employees are always involved in the changes to the lighting – after all, everything's tailored to their needs. At the same time, we also save on energy thanks to the light management system,” said the enthusiastic managing director. According to him, with TRILUX as their partner they opted for precisely the right path for the future.
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