E-Line Pro

Lighting for sports halls and sports fields

Get ready, set, light!

Lighting for sports halls or sports fields demands a high level of flexibility and robustness because training and competition situations with various types of sport require ideal lighting conditions, even when the going gets rough. With a combination of various lighting classes, ideal visual conditions are ensured and the risk of injury minimised. Ballproof luminaires from TRILUX are knock- and impact-resistant, economical and easy to clean. 

Thanks to their specific beam characteristics and lack of glare they guarantee optimum light even for rapid ball sports or gymnastics. TRILUX luminaires for sports fields also withstand highly diverse weather conditions. The quantity of light utilised can be simply adapted to needs with the LiveLink light management system. This in turn achieves significant energy savings. 

Planning example with Actison Fit LED

1-field sports hall

To the order list

Planning example with Actison Fit LED

3-field sports hall

To the order list

Do you need help?

Head office UK

TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463
Fax: +44 1245 462 646
Email: info.co.uk@trilux.com
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