E-Line Pro


In today’s extremely dynamic and constantly expanding market, we try to not only keep our eye on the big picture, but also always to act with the future in mind. To be on the same wavelength as our customers as well as to think ahead, to generate new momentum and to set new standards.

This is the approach we use to develop ideal lighting solutions for various application areas such as industry, retail, education and health, offices, roads, pathways and pedestrianised areas. …and because every project is different, our responses are always client focused.

The perfect lighting solution differs depending on your point of view, what an architect perceives as perfection, lighting designers and installers will see differently. End users have their own specific needs as well, e.g. intuitive operation or simple cleaning. It is for this reason that we develop our luminaires based upon the market and in close dialogue with target groups. The result: products with a variety of practical features and functions that simplify planning.

We meet our customers’ wide-ranging requirements with an extensive spectrum of perfectly tailored custom lighting solutions, e.g. for particularly architecturally demanding projects. The highest level of quality is the common denominator for all components and it is only when everything fits perfectly down to the very last detail that we have achieved our aim: satisfied customers.

Continuous development

Quality of light has always had the highest priority at TRILUX, so we are continually updating and optimising our products e.g. to avoid direct and indirect glare and to improve their natural colour rendering. Since the 1980’s Energy Efficiency has become increasingly important factor in all areas of life.

TRILUX concentrates its research and development with this in mind to optimise both energy consumption and lumen output.  We focus on the responsible use of resources and making our products user-friendly, this begins with making planning as simple as possible for lighting designers, and continues through to quick and uncomplicated installation and ease of maintenance.

Do you need help?

Head office UK

TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463
Fax: +44 1245 462 646
Email: info.co.uk@trilux.com
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