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Innovators of tomorrow play in the same team! The HYDROSOLAR Group is one of the largest wholesaler networks in the Polish plumbing industry market. In Poland, it is a pioneer in the distribution of innovative solutions in the HVAC area. Since 1991, it has been promoting innovative, energy-saving and environmentally friendly products. So it's no surprise that in 2017 they chose TRILUX as a supplier of LED luminaires during the construction of their logistics center near Krakow, but they were also among the first in Poland to implement the LiveLink lighting management system.
"EU directives that ban the production and import from outside the EU of certain obsolete light sources were a distant future in 2017. Despite the lower prices of the luminaires, the investor opted for LED solutions, which were a more economical choice in the long run - high praise for awareness and taking such a step. The savings, as well as the comfort that was provided 6 years ago thanks to our luminaires, have become an example for our next clients." - Maciej Gronert, Project Manager at TRILUX Poland, talks about the project. He emphasizes that 2017, the year in which he oversaw the implementation of the lighting installation at HYDROSOLAR, was not a time when there was so much awareness of the benefits of using LED lighting.
"During the implementation of this project, we focused on modern solutions, comfort for our team, as well as the lowest possible cost of maintenance and subsequent operation of the building. TRILUX products were fully in line with the design assumptions. Recommendations from foreign markets reinforced our decision that system-managed LED luminaires are the best choice in terms of economy and ecology, " this is how Artur Iskra, head of logistics at HYDROSOLAR Group, justifies the choice of TRILUX solutions..
TRILUX was involved in the project not only as a manufacturer and supplier of LED luminaires. Our specialists participated with the architect in the design process of the installation, supported the contractors in the installation work, and implemented the LiveLink luminaire management system. As a result, automated processes fully optimized lighting energy consumption.
The hall of the HYDROSOLAR warehouse is illuminated by our E-LINE Next. Each warehouse aisle, is a separate lighting zone, with independent sensors and controllers managed by the LiveLink system. A total of 915 luminaires and 48 independent LiveLink controllers.
The office spaces were equipped with a total of 120 fixtures: Siella, Oleveon FIT and Loreto.
Good relations with all project participants are a key factor, in the successful implementation of the objectives of the investment.
"TRILUX was simply something we could count on! We received full support and comprehensive development of each of our design topics, from adaptations to electrical designers. Importantly for us architects, TRILUX products also meet expectations in terms of design, " the cooperation is described by architect Marcin Jaremek of the design office Jaremek Architekura.
We hope that this is not the last joint project with the HYDROSOLAR group! The green future of the planet and respect for energy resources is certainly our common denominator.
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