E-Line Pro

Our employees

Day after day, the people at TRILUX make our company what it is. This is why we strive to offer them the best conditions.

Social employment policy

TRILUX employs 4,037 people worldwide, with 1,685 of these in Germany (as of December 2021). 26.4 percent are women and 73.6 percent men. The average age is 45.7 years (July 2022). 

We guarantee each individual employee compliance with site-specific minimum wage requirements. However, our standard entry-level salaries are consistently higher than the minimum wage in the respective country, regardless of gender. In the course of temporary employment or employee leasing, we pay significantly above collective wage agreements. 

At many locations, TRILUX grants voluntary benefits that go beyond legal requirements. As examples, employees at ZALUX and at ICT ZhuHai in China can take advantage of special benefits for health and pension insurance.

The regional collective agreement of the metal and electrical industry in North Rhine-Westphalia applies to the Arnsberg site. We also have an in-house collective agreement for the future: together with employee representatives, extensive company agreements have been drawn up and adopted for the workforce. 

Equal opportunities and diversity

Fair and respectful cooperation is an irrevocable value for TRILUX within its corporate culture. This principle includes that no one experiences discrimination due to their gender, sexual identity, origin, religion, ideology, handicap or age. In this respect, the requirements of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) form the basis for our responsibility in handling employees. However, this applies not only to the prevention of discrimination and creation of equal opportunities. TRILUX understands diversity as a benefit for all participants and thus strives to promote it. 
Inclusion is a matter of high importance for us. We employ people with disabilities in our accessory assembly facilities and cooperate with the Caritas Association, Germany's largest welfare organisation.

We understand diversity as internationality, because our products are used across the globe. TRILUX is globally positioned with companies, subsidiaries and sales partners in 58 countries and is home to an immense cultural diversity. The Arnsberg location in Germany for example has 31 nationalities and 20 languages. Globally, there are more than 30 languages.

Promoting talent and developing potential

There can be no successful business development without qualified employees. Our industry is currently undergoing profound technological and structural change, and as a result, the need for know-how and areas of expertise is constantly changing. In order to cope with this, TRILUX invests intensively in the training, further education and continuous personal development of all employees. We pursue a comprehensive education strategy. 

This is designed to enable employees at all hierarchical levels not only to master change, but to help shape it. All employees in Arnsberg receive three qualification days per year as well as an extensive training offer – and since 2011 primarily in our TRILUX Akademie. In 2021 the offer was nationally and internationally taken up by 17,615 people.

All other market participants are also able to take advantage of this because, as a high-tech company, we can only remain fit for the future within a highly qualified market environment. 

Prospects for young people

In order to attract qualified employees, but also to offer young people promising, long-term prospects, we ourselves provide training in various professions. With the new contract for the future, we have once again increased our training quota. Currently, 90 young people are preparing for their professional vocations at TRILUX. The company's own technical training centre offers them the best conditions for acquiring broad technical knowledge at the cutting edge of technology. 

Young specialists and managers at TRILUX experience particularly practical support within personnel development groups. An important component of this is TRILUX Idea Management (TIM), with which the company promotes and demands the motivated commitment of employees throughout the Group and actively involves them in designing their working environment. Working from a home office or mobile working is also permitted according to the company agreement and following consultation.


Active health promotion

We constantly work to minimise the stresses and strains on employees and strengthen their personal resources. The basis for this is provided by working conditions that support the physical and mental well-being of our employees. In order to maintain their performance, TRILUX offers, among other benefits, health promotion, compatibility of family and work, age-appropriate design of work and various regulations for an appreciative and respectful interaction in the sense of a pleasant working atmosphere. Employees are not only supported in health-promoting behaviour during their working hours but also in all areas of their lives. 



The highest levels of occupational health and safety apply at the German sites and all international subsidiaries are committed to strict compliance with country-specific legal and regulatory requirements. Occupational health and safety management is deeply embedded in all structures and processes. Beyond mandatory requirements there is also a framework for action that ensures systematic prevention. At the operating sites, high standards and comprehensive packages of measures ensure that occupational accidents are prevented and risks to health are eliminated. TRILUX has also signed the global "Vision Zero", a prevention approach for safety, health and well-being.

For more information see: VISIONZERO

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