Visual tasks and working areas

In an office, usually the following tasks are at hand:

  • Conventional office work in combination with screen work. Visual tasks of screen work are screen information intake and information intake from models, texts, graphics, recognition of symbols on the keyboard etc.

  • Meetings at a conference table

  • Reading work at cabinets and shelf units

Ergonomists have determined that more than 10.000 changes in viewing direction from documents to keyboard to screen occur in one day of work at a VDU workstation – immense visual strain, which can only be mastered in undisturbed visual conditions.

According to the different types of work, corresponding working areas are defined for the visual task in the office (see fig.). They are subdivided into work surfaces, user areas and functional furniture areas (see fig.).

Figure 3.91: Working areas where visual office tasks can occur, specifically screen work, meetings and reading at vertical cabinet and shelf areas

Figure 3.92: Minimum dimensions and partial areas of an office workstation with work surface, user area and functional furniture area. The work surface and the user area form the working area, where the visual tasks are located.